I can live with an idea for days, weeks, months sometimes years before it eventually finds a finished response or form.

Other work I can create a form intuitively, as though a silent idea must develop first thereafter giving reasoning and explanation in its own time. I have learned to trust this process. The initial result can be a structure which invites me to question and learn more about my instinct and ultimately myself.

This piece of sculpture is one of those works of instinct, one that I continue to question and hope to learn from. I can sit very comfortably looking at this work …simply asking more of who I am. The form is held together by the intertwined natural fibres of Washi (Japanese paper) a flexible and soft yet strong bond. I have presented it with space below, a space that sits comfortably but with a response of fragility also.

If and how this work develops I’m unsure, but I am grateful for what it has already offered in terms of my learning about myself.

The journey continues.