This work is a response to fragility, strength, sanctuary and ultimately hope.

Formed from fallen pine needles collected in an area primarily associated with pain, I sat beforehand quietly looking and becoming more and more attracted by the manner and formation these little needles had taken when perceived to have passed their best.

The more I looked the more they resembled a cleverly, naturally engineered tightly woven knitted blanket. Together they offered protection and comfort for many unseen life forms that lay below them.

Picking some from the ground and cupping them in my hands the form they took reminded me of a small bird’s nest and made me think of its value. How such a strong structure is created when many fragile individual elements are entwinned to become one.

Some of the needles are broken, yet in many ways they are of equal importance as they are flexible enough to knit the remainder together making a stronger bond.  

A little nest offering sanctuary, formed for purpose, a symbol of transition and continuous life.

In some cultures, fallen pine needles are associated with longevity and wisdom.